[Neurologic complications in a case of Werner syndrome].

  • 1 October 1996
    • journal article
    • case report
    • Vol. 152 (10), 634-6
A 39 year old caucasian man was admitted in 1994 to the neurological department with a left pure motor hemiplegia that appeared suddenly. This patient showed typical features of Werner's syndrome. He had a hoarse voice, a diffuse muscle weakness and atrophy in the upper and lower limbs with chronic ulcers on the legs. His scalp and public hair were sparse. Cranial MRI revealed several lesions in the white matter, low signal intensity on T1 weighted images and high signal on T2 weighted images. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF was inflammatory with hypercytosis and proteinorachia was 0.50 g/l with synthesis of IgG. Sural nerve biopsy revealed muscle atrophy and the loss of myelinated fibers. Thus, central and peripheral nervous systems were affected in this case.