No Advantage of Treating Acute Respiratory Tract Infections with Azithromycin in a Placebo-controlled Study

Acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI) is the commonest reason for which antibiotics are prescribed, despite the fact that ARTI is mostly of viral origin. The effectiveness of antibiotics in these illnesses is, at best, questionable. Jordan is a developing country where bacterial infections are thought to be more common than in developed countries and initially viral illnesses are frequently superimposed by bacterial infections. The present study represents an attempt to assess whether routine antibiotic treatment of ARTI has any beneficial effect on the course of the illness. The study was conducted in northern Jordan between 1 June and December 14, 2000. Patients ≥ 8 y of age visiting either of 2 health centers and diagnosed by the physician with ARTI above the level of the bronchioles were assigned on an alternating basis to receive either azithromycin or placebo. Patients were assessed at their initial visit and were subsequently followed up after 3 d, 1 week and 2 weeks. A total of 185 patients were included in the study. Patients administered azithromycin or placebo did similarly in terms of the proportions improved or cured and the duration of illness. We conclude that routine use of antibiotics (azithromycin) in ARTI is unlikely to alter the course of the illness.