DNA hybridizations on squash‐blotted sandflies to identify both Phlebotomus papatasi and infecting Leishmania major

Epidemiological field studies on leishmaniasis have been hampered by the laborious, and often inefficient, methods used to assess the rates of infection of sandfly vectors (Diptera; Phlebotominae) by species of the causative disease organisms, protozoal parasites of the genus Leishmania (Kinetoplastida; Trypanosomatidae). We report the rapid and accurate identification of both sandfly vector (Phlebotomus (Phlebotomus) papatasi (Scopoli)) and infecting Leishmania major Yakimov & Schokov by DNA hybridizations to squash-blotted sandflies. Large numbers of whole (infected) sandflies can be quickly squashed on to nylon hybridization filters and (following standard procedures) the filter-bound DNA can be hybridized sequentially to cloned, multicopy genomic sequences that are specific for species of Leishmania (kinetoplast DNA) or for the sandfly (ribosomal (r) DNA). Our sandfly probe consists of a 3.2 kb fragment of the intergenic ‘non-transcribed’ spacer of rDNA of P.papatasi that we have detected only in this species: it is present in all six geographically isolated populations tested (from Tunisia through to India) but cannot be detected in the morphologically similar P. (Phlebotomus) duboscqi Neveu-Lemaire, the vector of Leishmania major south of the Sahara; it also cannot be detected in Phlebotomus species of the subgenera Larroussius and Paraphlebotomus that together with P.papatasi are the dominant man-biting sandflies in north African foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis, where (as in many arid regions of western Asia) P.papatasi is believed to be the sole vector of L.major.