Location-Based Services: Back to the Future

Gainesville, Florida, 10 March 2 012. Today, the Mobile Location- Based Services Summit hosted a panel entitled "What Was Wrong with First-Generation Location-Based Services?" The panel chair, Sumi Helal of the University of Florida, invited two world-class experts in LBS history and technology to discuss the topic: Paolo Bellavista of the University of Bologna and Axel Kupper of the University of Munich. The panel discussed the popularity of today's LBSs and analyzed their distinguishing aspects in comparison with first-generation LBSs. The panel was anything but controversial, with all panelists in total agreement on what initially went wrong and why today's LBSs work. They analyzed how the failure unfolded to set the stage for a major paradigm shift in LBS business and technology and noted the milestones that shaped today's LBSs.

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