The injuries of terroist bombing: A study of 1532 consecutive patients

Of 1532 explosion victims only 9 died in hospital Injury to the chest or abdominal organs was rare (10 patients of whom 5 died). Primary blast lung was apparent in only 2 patients. Major limb amputations occurred in 16 patients of whom 4 died). Primary blast lung was apparent in only 2 pateints. Major limb amputations occurred in 16 pateints of whom 4 died. None of the 50 patients with burns required skin grafts. Injuries were predominantly to the head and neck and limbs, suggesting the protective effect of clothing. Half of the patients suffered from emotional shock, most with no physical injury and 82 per cent of whom were female. Eighty-three per cent of patients arrived at hospital between 10.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. m.