Double mode RR Lyrae stars in Omega Centauri

Aim: The aim of this work was to search for double mode pulsators among RR Lyr variables of globular cluster Omega Cen. Methods: We conducted a systematic frequency analysis of CASE photometry of Omega Cen RR Lyr stars. We searched for periodicities using Fourier and ANOVA periodograms, combined with consecutive prewhitening technique. Results: We discovered six double mode pulsators, with the first overtone and a secondary mode of higher frequency simultaneously excited. These are the first double mode RR Lyr stars identified in Omega Cen. In variable V10 period ratio of the two modes is 0.80, which corresponds to pulsations in the first and second radial overtones. In V19 and V105 we found unexpected period ratio of 0.61. Three other stars display period ratios of either ~0.80 or ~0.61, depending on the choice of aliases. Conclusions: While the period ratio of ~0.80 is easy to interpret in terms of two lowest radial overtones, the value of ~0.61 cannot be explained by any two radial modes. Thus, V19 and V105 are the first members of a new class of double mode RR Lyr pulsators.