Multiexponential T2 relaxation in degenerating peripheral nerve

The multiexponential T2 relaxation spectrum of peripheral nerve undergoing Wallerian degeneration has been measured both in vivo and in vitro. Degeneration of the sciatic nerve of the amphibian Xenopus laevis was induced by crush injury, and T2 relaxation spectra of the nerve were measured at several times up to 35 days following injury. Histologic evidence verified that the nerve underwent Wallerian degeneration. Relaxation spectra were observed to undergo measurable changes as degeneration progressed, the most evident being a reduction from three well-resolved T2 components to one and a decline in the fraction of the spectra associated with the shortest T2 component The former appears to reflect the collapse and loss of myelinated fibers, while the latter a combination of interstitial edema and myelin loss.

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