Neurosurgical management of low-grade astrocytoma of the cerebral hemispheres

✓ The authors conducted a retrospective review of surgically treated, histologically proven cases of low-grade (Grade 1 or 2) astrocytomas. Follow-up analysis, with survival time as the end-point, was completed using multivariant statistical analysis. In the 461 cases of supratentorial low-grade astrocytoma in this study, age of the patient at the time of surgery was by far the most important variable in predicting length of survival. Other variables correlating with increasing survival times were: gross total surgical removal, lack of major preoperative neurological deficit, long duration of symptoms prior to surgery, seizures as a presenting symptom, lack of major postoperative neurological deficit, and surgery performed in recent decades. The multi-variant regression analysis showed that radiation therapy was of clear benefit, primarily in older patients with incompletely removed tumors. For purposes of establishing prognosis and testing the results, a “score” was developed to predict survival times, based on the most important variables. The data in this study provide a basis for the analysis of future modes of management of low-grade gliomas.