Comparison Insight Bone Measurements by Histomorphometry and μCT

Morphometric analysis of 70 bone biopsies was done in parallel by μCT and histomorphometry. μCT provided higher results for trabecular thickness and separation because of the 3D shape of these anatomical objects. Introduction: Bone histomorphometry is used to explore the various metabolic bone diseases. The technique is done on microscopic 2D sections, and several methods have been proposed to extrapolate 2D measurements to the 3D dimension. X‐ray μCT is a recently developed imaging tool to appreciate 3D architecture. Recently the use of 2D histomorphometric measurements have been shown to provide discordant results compared with 3D values obtained directly. Material and Methods: Seventy human bone biopsies were removed from patients presenting with metabolic bone diseases. Complete bone biopsies were examined by μCT. Bone volume (BV/TV), Tb.Th, and Tb.Sp were measured on the 3D models. Tb.Th and Tb.Sp were measured by a method based on the sphere algorithm. In addition, six images were resliced and transferred to an image analyzer: bone volume and trabecular characteristics were measured after thresholding of the images. Bone cores were embedded undecalcified; histological sections were prepared and measured by routine histomorphometric methods providing another set of values for bone volume and trabecular characteristics. Comparison between the different methods was done by using regression analysis, Bland‐Altman, Passing‐Bablock, and Mountain plots. Results: Correlations between all parameters were highly significant, but μCT overestimated bone volume. The osteoid volume had no influence in this series. Overestimation may have been caused by a double threshold used in μCT, giving trabecular boundaries less well defined than on histological sections. Correlations between Tb.Th and Tb.Sp values obtained by 3D or 2D measurements were lower, and 3D analysis always overestimated thickness by ∼50%. These increases could be attributed to the 3D shape of the object because the number of nodes and the size of the marrow cavities were correlated with 3D values. Conclusion: In clinical practice, μCT seems to be an interesting method providing reliable morphometric results in less time than conventional histomorphometry. The correlation coefficient is not sufficient to study the agreement between techniques in histomorphometry. The architectural descriptors are influenced by the algorithms used in 3D.