The neurophysiologic types of nonconvulsive status epilepticus:EEGpatterns of different phenotypes

Proceeding from the proposed classification of status epilepticus syndromes by Shorvon in 1994, we performed a systematic search for reports presenting electroencephalography (EEG) patterns of nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) on all syndromes in the classification, where possible. Using the online medical search engine PubMed for 22 different search strategies, EEG patterns supporting a diagnosis of NCSE were sought. From a total of 4,328 search results, 123 cases with corresponding EEG patterns could be allocated to underlying epilepsy syndromes. Based on the characteristic EEG patterns found for the different NCSE syndromes, we present a synthesis of the significant EEG morphologies and evolutions in the individual NCSE syndromes.