A Synthetic Peptide from Fibronectin Inhibits Experimental Metastasis of Murine Melanoma Cells

Adhesive interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix occur at several stages of metastasis. Such interactions might be inhibited by synthetic peptide probes derived from the cell-binding regions of matrix molecules. Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (GRGDS) is a pentapeptide sequence that appears to be critical for cell interaction with fibronectin. Coinjection of GRGDS with B16-F10 murine melanoma cells dramatically inhibited the formation of lung colonies in C57BL/6 mice. Two closely related control peptides, in which specific amino acids within the GRGDS sequence were transposed or substituted, displayed little or no activity. Inhibition by GRGDS was dose-dependent, noncytotoxic, and did not result from an impairment of cellular tumorigenicity. GRGDS may function by inhibiting tumor cell retention in the lung since radiolabeled B16-F10 tumor cells injected with the peptide were lost at a substantially greater rate than control cells.