Rey complex figure test under four different administration procedures

This study was undertaken to identify the relationship between the raw scores obtained on the Rey Complex Figure Test (CFT) under four different administration procedures; additionally, the effects of the administration procedures on the Recognition Trial (Meyers & Meyers, 1994) were examined. The Recognition Trial is a new instrument, developed to assess recognition of various parts of the CFT. Many authors have presented a variety of administration procedures; however, there are no studies that examine the relationship of the various administration procedures. The administration procedures used were as follows: (1) Copy, Immediate recall, 30-min recall, and Recognition Trial; (2) Copy, 3-min recall, 30-min recall, Recognition Trial; (3) Copy, Immediate recall, 3-min recall, 30-min recall, Recognition Trial; (4) Copy, 30-min recall, Recognition Trial. The results of the study indicate no significant difference in the 30-min recall score or on the Recognition Trial if an immediate/short-term recall was given; however, if no immediate/short-term recall was given, there was a difference in the 30-min recall score and the Recognition Trial. There was no significant difference in a time period from immediate to 3 min on the 30-min recall score.