Stroke in Lund-Orup, Sweden

Background and Purpose — Several studies report declining early stroke case fatality, but the findings are not consistent across geographic areas. Corresponding changes in long-term survival are less well documented. We recently reported increased stroke incidence among patients aged Methods — Patients living within the Lund-Orup, Sweden, hospital district and fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for first-ever stroke during 1983–1985 (n=998) and 1993–1995 (n=1318) were followed up concerning survival status at 28 days, 1 year, and 3 years. Age and sex adjustments were performed. The possible influence of Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project (OCSP) stroke subtypes on survival was also analyzed. Results — Overall survival improved between the study periods (Cox proportional hazards regression: hazard ratio, 0.84; 95% confidence limits, 0.75 to 0.94; P =0.0019). The 28-day case fatality was 15% for stroke patients from both study periods. One-year case fatality was 31% for 1983–1985 patients and 27% for 1993–1995 patients. The corresponding figures at 3 years were 44% and 40%, respectively. In the group aged P Conclusions — The recently observed increase in stroke incidence among patients aged <75 years was not accompanied by changing survival in that age group. However, among patients aged ≥75 years, survival improved beyond 28 days after stroke. The causes of this change in survival are unknown but may be related to improved long-term care of elderly stroke patients.