Standard timber management practices in the Pacific Northwest result in stands which often vary from unmanaged stands in structure and composition. Forest and wildlife managers have identified a deficit of stands in the mature (> 100-yr-old) age class that contain certain desirable wildlife habitat features. Techniques are being developed that would increase the likelihood that managed stands can produce these characteristics. The key desirable components in these stands include large (> 75 cm diam breast height) conifer trees, snags, coarse woody debris, and understory structure, including regeneration. Vegetation management techniques can facilitate development of these components within stands. Thinning the overstory, underplanting shade-tolerant species, and creating snags and coarse woody debris can be accomplished within a production forest. Maintaining shade-intolerant species requires a higher level of disturbance and canopy opening than needed for shade-tolerant species. Treatments which remove competition from shrubs and herbaceous plants may be necessary to insure growth and survival of understory regeneration. Injection of different herbicides into low-grade conifers may yield different types of snags in comparison to girdling or topping. Although much of the understory may be eliminated during future thinnings and final harvest, some of the structure will remain and could be carried over into the next rotation along with snags and large coarse woody debris. These treatments are expected to enhance mature habitats in present and future cycles with minimum impact on yield.