Patients that are deemed to be at risk for the development of choroidal neovascularization are frequently instructed to self-monitor their vision for symptoms that may signal the presence of choroidal neovascularization. Traditionally, the Amsler grid has been used for this purpose, but recent technological innovations have resulted in a number of potential alternatives that offer important advantages, including greater sensitivity, the ability to differentiate exudative from non-exudative disease, and quantitative analysis of test results. The following technologies that could be employed for patient self-assessment of macular function in a home setting are reviewed: computerized Amsler grid, preferential hyperacuity perimetry, macular mapping test and noise-field campimetry. A number of technologies are currently available that could significantly improve the ability of patients at risk for the development of choroidal neovascularization to self-monitor their central visual field.