Vacuolating Toxin Gene Polymorphism amongHelicobacter pyloriClinical Isolates and Its Association with m1, m2, or ChimericvacAMiddle Types

Background: Helicobacter pylori vacuolating cytotoxin encoded by vacA plays an essential role in H. pylori-related pathogenesis. Specific vacA alleles are believed to be associated with increased virulence. Association among vacA polymorphism, vacA middle genotypes, and various H. pylori-related diseases was thus investigated. Methods: Eighty-nine isolates from patients with various gastrointestinal diseases were examined for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the 2.0-kb polymerase chain reaction-amplified vacA middle region. Further genetic heterogeneity was assessed with ureA-ureB RFLP. Results: Twenty-eight distinct vacA RFLPs were seen among 89 isolates. Each pattern was associated with one specific vacA middle genotype. The association of specific RFLPs with certain clinical manifestations was noted among six common groups. Further RFLP analysis of the 2.4-kb ureA-ureB segment from isolates in four popular vacA RFLPs showed high genetic variation. Conclusions: The vacA genetic polymorphism may be associated with different gastrointestinal diseases.