Atomic Scattering Factors Calculated from the TFD Atomic Model

Using the TFD electron density, recently published by one of us (T), the atomic scattering factor f0 has been calculated for neutral atoms as well as for singly through quadruply ionized positive ions with intermediate atomic numbers on the IBM 607 and 650. The f0 values thus obtained for Ar and Cu+ agree qualitatively with those calculated from the Hartree‐Fock fields recently by MacGillavry et al. The experimental fact has been again confirmed, that the f0 value is not much influenced by the state of ionization. The effect of exchange has been displayed by the deviation of the TFD curve of the atomic scattering factor per electron f0 versus the Bethe variable ξ, from the TF universal curve. The TFD curve of f0 versus Z for a definite state of ionization has a slight minimum at a certain value of Z which increases with decreasing scattering angle and tends finally at vanishing scattering angle to a definite limiting value just corresponding to the maximum of 〈r2Av.