Kinesin-1 regulates dendrite microtubule polarity in Caenorhabditis elegans

Neurons, or nerve cells, are excitable cells that transmit information using electrical and chemical signals. Nerve cells are generally composed of a cell body, multiple dendrites, and a single axon. The dendrites are responsible for receiving inputs and for transferring these signals to the cell body, whereas the axon carries signals away from the cell body and relays them to other cells. Like all cells, nerve cells have a cytoskeleton made up of microtubules, which help to determine cellular shape and which act as ‘highways' for intracellular transport. Microtubules are long hollow fibers composed of alternating α- and β-tubulin proteins: each microtubule has a ‘plus'-end, where the β subunits are exposed, and a ‘minus'-end, where the α subunits are exposed. Nerve cells are highly polarized: within the axon, the microtubules are uniformly oriented with their plus-ends pointing outward, whereas in dendrites, there are many microtubules with their minus-ends pointing outward. This arrangement is conserved across the animal kingdom, but the mechanisms that establish it are largely unknown. Yan et al. use the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans (the nematode worm) to conduct a detailed in vivo analysis of dendritic microtubule organization. They find that a motor protein called kinesin-1 is critical for generating the characteristic minus-end-out pattern in dendrites: when the gene that codes for this protein is knocked out, the dendrites in microtubules undergo a dramatic polarity shift and adopt the plus-end-out organization that is typical of axons. The mutant dendrites also show other axon-like features: for example, they lack many of the proteins that are usually found in dendrites. Based on these and other data, Yan et al. propose that kinesin-1 determines microtubule polarity in dendrites by moving plus-end-out microtubules out of dendrites. These first attempts to explain, at the molecular level, how dendritic microtubule polarity is achieved in vivo could lead to new insights into the structure and function of the neuronal cytoskeleton. DOI: [][1] [1]: /lookup/doi/10.7554/eLife.00133.002
Funding Information
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  • Human Frontier Science Program
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  • Human Frontier Science Program