Thermal, magnetic, and transport properties of single-crystal Sr1xCaxRuO3 (0<~x<~1.0)

SrRuO3 is a highly correlated, narrow d-band metal which undergoes a ferromagnetic transition at Tc=165K. CaRuO3, which is also a highly correlated metal, has the same crystal structure, comparable electrical resistivity and similar effective Ru moment, but it remains paramagnetic at least down to 1 K. High- and low-field magnetization and susceptibility, thermoremanent magnetization, low-temperature heat capacity, electrical resistivity, and Hall effect measurements are presented on as-grown, untwinned, orthorhombic single-crystal samples of Sr1xCaxRuO3 for the entire concentration range 0<~x<~1.0. Tc is depressed uniformly with increasing x, all the way to x=1.0, with possible spin-glass-type ordering for x close to 1.0. The critical Sr doping of paramagnetic CaRuO3 required to cause magnetic correlations among the Ru moments is 1at.%. Magnetization to 7 T shows strong hysteresis for mixed (x>0) crystals only, with evidence for a rotation of the easy magnetic axis out of the ab plane. Low-temperature magnetization in dc fields to 30 T for x=0 shows a lack of saturation to the full S=1 moment, 2μB/Ruatom, underscoring the itinerant character of the ferromagnetism. Similar data for x=1.0 show it to be a highly exchange enhanced paramagnet, a borderline antiferromagnet or ferromagnet. This is consistent with previous Ru-O in-plane and out-of-plane doping studies. Low-temperature heat capacity (1<T<20K) shows that the mass enhancement (γ=29mJ/molK2 and m*3 for x=0) and the Debye temperature (ΘD=390K for x=0) are nonmonotonically varying with increasing x. The large electrical resistivity suggests these materials are “bad” metals, with a mean free path at room temperature 10A for x=0. The Hall effect...