Characterization of EN4 monoclonal antibody: a reagent with CD31 specificity

SUMMARY: EN4 MoAb was originally described as a MoAb that reacts specifically with human endothelial cells, and the reagent was not assigned to any of the presently known CD. Here, we provide evidence indicating that EN4 reacts with the CD31 antigen. Thus, EN4 stains strongly murine fibrobtasts transfected with the human CD31 gene. Furthermore, SDS-PAGE analysis of immunoprecipitates of cell lysates from surface-iodinated Jurkart T cells demonstrated that EN4 and reference CD31 MoAb recognized the same antigen, of 130 kD mol. wt. Finally, both EN4 and CD31 gave the same pattern of reactivity when tested on tonsillar or peripheral blood lymphoid cells by FACS analysis or by immunohistochemistry on sections of a variety of human tissues. EN4, however, proved consistently more efficient than the reference anli-CD3l MoAb as judged by both the intensity of fluorescence or of tissue staining. This property has thus allowed a better characterization of the tissue and cellular distribution of CD31.