Detection and Typing of Human Papillomavirus in Archival Cervical Cancer Specimens by DNA Amplification With Consensus Primers

We developed a polymerase chain reaction DNA amplification system using two distinct consensus oligonucleotide primer sets for the improved detection and typing of a broad spectrum of human genital papillomavirus (HPV) sequences, including those of novel viruses. The system incorporates one primer set designed to amplify a highly conserved L1 domain and a second primer set designed to amplify a domain within the E6 gene. We used this system to analyze 48 fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections (41 specimens from 33 cervical carcinomas, four normal cervical tissues, and several control tissues) for the presence of HPV DNA. HPV sequences were detected in all carcinoma samples and none of the control samples. Hybridization analyses showed that the results obtained with the two amplification schemes concurred completely. This approach allowed rapid confirmation of typing results and may improve the likelihood of detecting a wide variety of HPV sequences, including those of novel HPVs. [J Natl Cancer Inst 82:1477–1484, 1990]