Plastic bronchitis occurring late after the Fontan procedure: Treatment with aerosolized urokinase

To describe the use of aerosolized urokinase in a patient with plastic bronchitis after a Fontan procedure. Case report. Pediatric intensive care unit in a university-affiliated children’s hospital. Report of one patient with acute respiratory failure secondary to plastic bronchitis. Aerosolized urokinase, multiple bronchoscopies, corticosteroids, mucolytics, bronchodilators, and atrial pacing. Airway obstruction secondary to recurring casts improved with the treatments. Histologic analysis of the casts demonstrated less fibrin after treatments with aerosolized urokinase. No adverse events were noted. The addition of aerosolized urokinase to this patient’s treatment regimen helped to resolve life-threatening airway obstruction secondary to fibrin casts.