The use of ICT for heritage recognition and identization processes in contemporary art

In this article we highlight the importance of ICT in heritage education focused on contemporary art, based on its potential to emphasise the processes involved in heritage and identization. We will start by defining the heritage from a more human point of view, enabling us to incorporate the contemporary dimension of culture, and lastly argue the importance of education as essential in constructing and maintaining heritage between generations, with contemporary art as the legacy that should be conserved in the present day and bequeathed as heritage. In this context, ICTs have a role as an essential educational tool in this process given they can lead to the exchange, knowledge, understanding, enjoyment, and appreciation of contexts that will be essential in the contemporary art heritage recognition and identization process. Lastly, the research results are presented after depicting an example of ICT integration as a tool for contemporary art heritage education. They point to ICT suitability as a tool, but also as a medium and data source for new learning, opening up other potential cognitive and affective avenues in the heritage recognition and identization process.