Unusual Complications of Subtotal Gastric Resection

Subtotal resection of the stomach was performed first in man by Jules Pean in 1879 for treatment of a gastric carcinoma. Subsequently, in 1915, von Hoberer was the first to perform and recommend gastric resection for treatment of recalcitrant peptic ulcers. During the four decades since this procedure was first recommended as treatment for a benign disease, it has been utilized for the management of an array of pathological entities involving the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. The morbidity and mortality rates associated with subtotal gastric resection vary with the indications for operation, the physical condition of the patients, and the type of resections employed. Although an understanding of these and other factors has contributed to a lowered morbidity, further reduction in the number of complications will result by continuing to emphasize their occurrence. Five complications of subtotal gastrectomy are reported in this paper which are unusual in our experience; however,