As natural selection must act on underlying genetic variation, discovering the number and location of loci under the influence of selection is imperative towards understanding adaptive divergence in evolving populations. Studies employing genome scans have hypothesized that the action of divergent selection should reduce gene flow at the genomic locations implicated in adaptation and speciation among natural populations, yet once 'outlier' patterns of variation have been identified the function and role of such loci needs to be confirmed. We integrated adaptive QTL mapping and genomic scans among diverging sympatric pairs of the lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) species complex in order to test the hypothesis that differentiation between dwarf and normal ecotypes at growth-associated QTL was maintained by directional selection. We found evidence of significantly high levels of molecular divergence among eight growth QTL where two of the strongest candidate loci under the influence of directional selection exhibited parallel reductions of gene flow over multiple populations.