Randomised controlled trial of screening and prophylactic treatment to prevent primary angle closure glaucoma

Aims To determine if screening with an ultrasound A-scan and prophylactic treatment of primary angle closure (PAC) with laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) can reduce the incidence of primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) in Mongolia. Methods A single-masked randomised controlled trial was initiated in 1999. 4725 volunteer Mongolian participants ≥50 years old from the capital Ulaanbaatar or the rural province of Bayankhongor were recruited, of which 128 were excluded with glaucoma. 4597 were randomly allocated to the control, no-screening arm or screening with ultrasound central anterior chamber depth (cACD), with the cut-off set at Results Six years later, 801 (17.42%) participants were known to have died, and a further 2047 (53.92%) were traced and underwent full ophthalmic examination. In an intention to treat analysis using available data, PACG was diagnosed in 33 participants (1.61%, 95% CI 1.11% to 2.25%), of which 19 were in the screened group and 14 in the non-screened group (OR 1.29, 95% CI 0.65 to 2.60, p=0.47), indicating no difference between groups. Conclusions We were not able to identify a reduction in the 6 year incidence of PACG after screening with cACD <2.53 mm and prophylactic treatment of PAC.