Analysis of differently expressed proteins and transcripts in gills ofPenaeus vannameiafter yellow head virus infection

In this proteomic analysis of gills from yellow head virus (YHV)‐infected Penaeus vannamei, we identified 13 spots with up‐regulated protein expression levels and five spots with down‐regulated levels. LC‐nanoESI‐MS/MS indicated that the up‐regulated proteins included enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, the tricarboxylic acid cycle and amino acid metabolism. The other up‐regulated proteins were arginine kinase, imaginal disk growth factor (IDGF) and a Ras‐like GTP binding protein. By contrast, expression levels were reduced for an SCP‐calcium binding protein (SCP), actin‐1, a valosin‐containing protein, and Rab11. Time‐course assays by real time RT‐PCR revealed no significant increase in mRNA level of glycolytic enzymes and arginine kinase. However, a significant decrease in SCP mRNA was observed. The present results are consistent with previously published work and suggest that a decrease in SCP expression may play an important role in the shrimp response to viral infections in general.

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