Characterization of Cdr1p, A Major Multidrug Efflux Protein of Candida albicans:  Purified Protein Is Amenable to Intrinsic Fluorescence Analysis

Candida drug resistance protein 1 (Cdr1p), an ATP-dependent drug efflux pump, confers multidrug resistance in immunocompromised and debilitated patients. A member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of membrane transporters, Cdr1p contains two nucleotide binding/utilization sites (NBDs) and two transmembrane domains (TMDs). We had earlier characterized Cdr1p by its overexpression as a GFP-tagged fusion protein that elicits oligomycin-sensitive ATPase activity and is linked to drug extrusion. However, it is essential to have highly purified Cdr1p to understand the detailed molecular basis of structure and functions of this protein. In this study, we have developed a two-step purification protocol using stably overexpressed His-tagged Cdr1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Purified Cdr1p exhibited divalent cation-dependent ATPase activity [∼1.2 μmol (mg of protein)-1 min-1] with an apparent KM in the range of 1.8 to 2.1 mM and Vmax between 1.0 and 1.4 μmol (mg of protein)-1 min-1. Unlike its close homologue human P-gp/MDR1, purified Cdr1p only moderately displayed drug stimulated ATPase activity. By exploiting intrinsic fluorescence intensity of purified Cdr1p, which contains 24 tryptophan residues, we could monitor defined conformational changes upon substrate drug and ATP binding. It is observed that ATP binding to Cdr1p (Kd = ∼1.7 mM) is not a prerequisite for drug binding, and both the mechanisms of drug as well as ATP binding, which induce specific conformational changes, occur independent of each other. Our study for the first time provides a catalytically active purified ABC transporter from a fungal pathogen, which is amenable to fluorescence measurements and thus would be useful in understanding the molecular basis of antifungal transport.

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