Motivation Factors Affecting the Job Attitude of Medical Doctors and the Organizational Performance of Public Hospitals in Warsaw, Poland

Background: This paper explores the relationship between organizational performance of hospitals and selected motivation factors that affect the attitude to work among medical doctors at public hospitals.Methods: This study was based on World Health Organization questionnaires designed to estimate motivation factors and to measure the levels of organizational performance of hospitals in the social aspect. A survey was conducted among physicians (N=249) with either surgical or non-surgical specialty, in 22 departments/units of general public hospitals in Warsaw (Poland).Results: The survey revealed that motivation factors related to “quality and style of supervision” have the greatest impact on the hospital’s organizational performance (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.490; pConclusion: The principles of Individual Performance Review should be incorporated into strategies designed to improve the organizational performance of hospitals (with NHS serving as a role model) in order to establish specific rules on how to share performance feedback among individual physicians. This study makes a research contribution to literature on human resource management in the healthcare sector, highlighting the importance of social aspects in improving organizational performance in a hospital setting.