A Survey of the Prescribing and Administration of Drugs in a Long‐Term Care Institution for the Elderly

The prescription and administration of drugs (especially of the neuroactive class) was observed in 131 patients in an extended care facility. The average number of neuroactive drugs prescribed (2.1) was distinctly different from the average number administered (1.3) because of the large number of pro re nata (prn) prescriptions. More neuroactive substances were prescribed for patients with superior mentation and minimal physical disability; the difference between low and high groups was 1.7 (mentation) and 2.8 (physical status). The most common neuroactive drugs prescribed were: 1) analgesics, 2) major tranquilizers, and 3) hypnotics. Questionable prescribing practices were demonstrated by the fact that 30 patients had prescriptions for 38 "not-recommended"drugs; 23 of these prescriptions were for propoxyphene compound. After requiring physicians to rewrite drug orders every thirty days, a survey made ten months later showed that there was a decline (0.8) in the number of drugs prescribed per patient and a slight increase (0.45) in the number of drugs administered. Professional drug surveillance is crucial for improving the therapeutic process. At least two modifications of current prescribing practices are recommended: 1) a record should always be made of the precise condition(s) under which a drug prescribed "prn" is to be administered; and 2) a strong effort should be made to reduce the total number of drug prescriptions. The results of this survey suggest that certain procedural matters necessitating change are not in themselves the most substantive factors in improvement. Present "third party" review mechanisms likely will not ameliorate the current situation. It will be necessary to implement complex organizational changes in most extended care facilities.