Illness perceptions and self efficacy beliefs in adolescents and young adults with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

The study examined the role of illness perceptions and self-efficacy in diabetic regimen adherence and metabolic control among young patients with Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM). Sixty-four outpatients with Insulin Dependent Diabetes completed measures of illness perceptions, generalised and diabetes specific self-efficacy and a self-report measure of adherence. Metabolic control (HbAlc) was also assessed. Control, identity and consequences components of illness perceptions were significantly correlated with self-efficacy expectancies. Control beliefs were consistently associated with self-reported adherence across all treatment aspects and accounted for 39% of the predicted variance in total adherence. The associations of the other psychological predictors examined, varied depending on the regimen area. Multiple regression analysis showed that 30.8% of the variance in HbAlc assays was explained by patients' diabetes specific self-efficacy, consequences and identity. Our findings suggest that patients' beliefs are useful predictors of physiological and behavioural outcomes in diabetes self-management and should thus be the focus of routine clinical assessments and future interventions.