Effects of a Colostrum Substitute and of Dietary Brewer's Yeast on the Health and Performance of Dairy Calves

We tested the effects of substituting a whey protein concentrate for dam's colostrum at first feeding and of 1% brewer's yeast in dry feed on calf health and performance. Eighty-four calves were assigned to four preweaning and eight postweaning treatments based on feeding either dam's colostrum or a whey protein concentrate at birth and either yeast or no yeast in the dry feed both before and after weaning. After the first feeding, all calves were fed colostrum through 4 d of age and an all milk protein milk replacer from d 5 to 46 of age. Daily feed intakes, health measurements, and weekly BW were recorded. Calves fed whey protein concentrate at birth had similar health parameters and greater feed efficiency than calves fed colostrum over the preweaning period. Addition of 1% brewer's yeast to the dry feed apparently reduced the incidence of fever and the number of associated antibiotic treatments during the preweaning period, but had no effects thereafter. Under the conditions of this study, whey protein concentrate was an effective substitute for dam's colostrum at first feeding, and 1% brewer's yeast fed in dry feed may reduce susceptibility to infection prior to weaning.