Cytotoxic Components of Bardanae Fructus (Goboshi).

Bardanae Furctus (Goboshi) extract showed potent in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo antitumor activity against human hepatoma HepG2 cells and mouse sarcoma 180 cells, respectively. In this study, the cytotoxicities of four fractions and three major components (arctiin, arctigenin, and chlorogenic acid) isolated from Goboshi extract were examined. Arctiin and arctigenin, which were contained in the ethylacetate fraction and n-butanol fraction, respectively, showed strong cytotoxicity against HepG2 cells, but little toxicity against Chang liver cells. Chlorogenic acid isolated from the water fraction did not affect the viability of these cells. The cytotoxicity of arctigenin against Chang liver cells was markedly potentiated by treatment with glutathione (GSH) synthesis inhibitor, L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine (BSO). On the other hand, in HepG2 cells, the cytotoxicity of arctigenin was hardly changed by BSO. The cytotoxicity of arctigenin against HepG2 cells increased in an exposure-time dependent manner. These characteristics of arctigenin were similar to those of Goboshi extract, as previously observed. We therefore conclude that the principal cytotoxic components of Goboshi extract are arctiin and its aglycone arctigenin.