The isotropic Hamiltonian H(ν)=JΣj=1SjN1·Sj+1 is considered for an open linear chain of N ν-dimensional vector spins Sj;H(ν) reduces to the S=12 Ising, planar, and Heisenberg models for ν=1,2,and 3. The thermodynamic properties (including the susceptibility) of H(ν) are found for ferromagnetic (J>0) and antiferromagnetic (J<0) exchange interactions for all temperatures T and all spin dimensionalities ν. The manner in which the various properties depend upon T and ν is studied; in particular we find (a) that although the chain of spins does not display long-range order except at T=0 for any value of ν most of the properties vary monotonically with ν (in such a way that, e.g., the degree of "short-range order" decreases with increasing ν; and (b) that as the spin dimensionality increases without limit, all of the calculated properties approach precisely those predicted by the Berlin-Kac spherical model.