Cytokeratin expression in human tongue epithelium

The epithelium of the human tongue shows diverse morphological variations from one site to another and even within the epithelium of the same papilla. This complexity has led to confusion regarding tongue epithelium as being orthokeratinized, parakeratinized, or nonkeratinized. Cytokeratins have been shown to characterize different epithelia. The present paper describes cytokeratin expression by adult tongue epithelia and relates their distribution to morphology. Six healthy human tongue specimens were obtained after plastic surgery and cytokeratin expression was investigated immunohistochemically, using a panel of 15 antibodies for cytoskeletal proteins, and biochemically using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The results showed that the ventral and lateral surfaces of the tongue are related to the nonkeratinizing stratified squamous epithelia, esophageal type, whereas the dorsal surface showed mixed expression of cytokeratins. In the tip of filiform and on the surface of fungiform papillae, cytokeratins of terminal differentiation are expressed as skin type; and in the rest of the papillae as well as in interpapillary areas, the epithelium expresses esophageal type cytokeratins. Certain simple epithelial cytokeratins were found in taste buds. Cytokeratin 19 was also detected in the basal cell layer of all esophageal type epithelia in the tongue. The present results provide basis for studies on the biological events in epithelial differentiation during development and in pathology.