Quantum Monte Carlo simulations and maximum entropy: Dynamics from imaginary-time data

We report the details of an application of the method of maximum entropy to the extraction of spectral and transport properties from the imaginary-time correlation functions generated from quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the nondegenerate, symmetric, single-impurity Anderson model. We find that these physical properties are approximately universal functions of temperature and frequency when these parameters are scaled by the Kondo temperature. We also found that important details for successful extractions included the generation of statistically independent, Gaussian-distributed data, and a good choice of a default model to represent the state of our prior knowledge about the result in the absence of data. We suggest that our techniques are not restricted to the Hamiltonian and quantum Monte Carlo algorithm used here, but that maximum entropy and these techniques lay the general groundwork for the extraction of dynamical information from imaginary-time data generated by other quantum Monte Carlo simulations.