Physiological and biochemical blood variables of goats subjected to heat stress – a review

This review aimed to present the current status of the studies about the role of physiological, hematological, biochemical and hormonal variables on the blood of goats raised in adverse environments. Scientific work in recent years has allowed for the evaluation of how goats of distinct breeds react to edaphoclimatic effects to maintain homeothermy according to adaptability to the environment. The exposure of goats to heat stress causes changes in the physiological functions with impact on production and productivity of the animals. There is evidence that the central nervous system is sensitive to temperature changes, and some cells are agiler in the cold than in heat. In conclusion, we say that regardless of the breed, the raising environment and its climatic variables can trigger physiological, biochemical, hematological and hormonal alterations that result in a reduction of the heat production for maintenance of homeothermy. All these changes have a substantial impact on production and productivity.