Electric Field Control of Spin Rotation in Bilayer Graphene

The manipulation of the electron spin degree of freedom is at the core of the spintronics paradigm, which offers the perspective of reduced power consumption, enabled by the decoupling of information processing from net charge transfer. Spintronics also offers the possibility of devising hybrid devices able to perform logic, communication, and storage operations. Graphene, with its potentially long spin-coherence length, is a promising material for spin-encoded information transport. However, the small spin-orbit interaction is also a limitation for the design of conventional devices based on the canonical Datta-Das spin field-effect transistors. An alternative solution can be found in magnetic doping of graphene or, as discussed in the present work, in exploiting the proximity effect between graphene and ferromagnetic oxides (FOs). Graphene in proximity to FO experiences an exchange proximity interaction, that acts as an effective Zeeman field for electrons in graphene, inducing a spin precession around the magnetization axis of the FO. Here we show that in an appropriately designed double-gate field-effect transistor, with a bilayer graphene channel and FO used as a gate dielectric, spin-precession of carriers can be turned ON and OFF with the application of a differential voltage to the gates. This feature is directly probed in the spin-resolved conductance of the bilayer.