Children with Asthma: How Do They Get Along at School?

All 13653 children, aged 7-15 years, enrolled in the comprehensive schools of Linköping were investigated with respect to asthma. A questionnaire was sent to 329 pupils, identified with asthma by school nurses. Out of these, 210 (1.5%) stated symptoms during the previous year and they were further studied. Their disease was graded with respect to the stated number of restricted days during the previous year. Grade 1: no restriction (21.4%), grade 2: 1-9 days (36.7%), grade 3: 10-99 days (39.1%) and grade 4: 100 days or more (2.9%). Prescribed drugs were used daily by 43.3%. The median time of absence from school due to asthma was 3 days/year. During physical education 78% had been restricted, during arts and crafts 12% and during other lessons 11%. School districts were ranked with respect to absence, restriction, perceived understanding of asthma and dustiness. Rank correlation coefficients were significant for absence/restriction and understanding.