Rupture of the Lateral Ligaments of the Ankle: Operation or Plaster Cast?:A Prospective Study

The material comprises 444 patients, aged 12-50 yr, with acute sprain of the ankle, seen over an 11-mo. period. Clinical examination showed no rupture of the ligaments in 53. Arthrography in the remaining patients revealed rupture of the lateral ligaments in 209 (in 2/3 the anterior talofibular ligament and in 1/3 the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligament). Conservative treatment with a below-knee plaster cast for 5 wk was employed in 107 patients, while 102 were treated surgically by suture of the ruptured ligament(s) and subsequently wore a below-knee plaster cast for 5 wk. The follow-up 1 yr after the accident was attended by 63% of the patients. Good results were found in 76% of those treated by plaster cast only and in 81% of those treated by surgery. The difference is not statistically significant.

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