Exercise training improves the net balance of cardiac Ca2+ handling protein expression in heart failure

The molecular basis of the beneficial effects associated with exercise training (ET) on overall ventricular function (VF) in heart failure (HF) remains unclear. We investigated potential Ca2+ handling abnormalities and whether ET would improve VF of mice lacking α2A- and α2C-adrenoceptors (α2A2CARKO) that have sympathetic hyperactivity-induced HF. A cohort of male wild-type (WT) and congenic α2A2CARKO mice in a C57BL/J genetic background (5–7 mo of age) was randomly assigned into untrained and trained groups. VF was assessed by two-dimensional guided M-mode echocardiography. Cardiac myocyte width and ventricular fibrosis were evaluated with a computer-assisted morphometric system. Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA2), phospholamban (PLN), phospho-Ser16-PLN, phospho-Thr17-PLN, phosphatase 1 (PP1), and Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) were analyzed by Western blotting. ET consisted of 8-wk running sessions of 60 min, 5 days/wk. α2A2CARKO mice displayed exercise intolerance, systolic dysfunction, increased cardiac myocyte width, and ventricular fibrosis paralleled by decreased SERCA2 and increased NCX expression levels. ET in α2A2CARKO mice improved exercise tolerance and systolic function. ET slightly reduced cardiac myocyte width, but unchanged ventricular fibrosis in α2A2CARKO mice. ET significantly increased the expression of SERCA2 (20%) and phospho-Ser16-PLN (63%), phospho-Thr17-PLN (211%) in α2A2CARKO mice. Furthermore, ET restored NCX and PP1 expression in α2A2CARKO to untrained WT mice levels. Thus, we provide evidence that Ca2+ handling is impaired in this HF model and that overall VF improved upon ET, which was associated to changes in the net balance of cardiac Ca2+ handling proteins.