UK-ADMS: A new approach to modelling dispersion in the earth's atmospheric boundary layer

The UK atmospheric dispersion modelling system is a computer code for modelling the dispersion of buoyant or neutrally buoyant gaseous and particulate emissions to the atmosphere. It comprises a number of individual modules, each dealing with either one aspect of the dispersion process or data input and output. Each module can be modified independently to keep it, and hence the whole model, scientifically up-to-date. Emissions can be of any duration. The effects of plume rise, wet and dry deposition, radio-active decay, hilly and variable roughness terrain, coastal regions and large buildings are allowed for. Fluctuations in concentration about the calculated mean are also modelled for time scales less than one hour. Output includes mean values, variances and percentiles of air concentration, dosage (time integrated concentration raised to some power), and deposition to the ground. For emissions of radio-active isotopes estimates can be made of the ground level gamma-radiation dose rate beneath the plume. A user interacts with the model via a system of menus based on Microsoft Windows so that it is easy to use.