Induced-gravity inflation

In a Ginzburg-Landau model of induced gravity based on the Lagrangian density L=-εφ2R/2-μφμφ/2 -λ(φ2-v2 )2/8, we investigate the semiclassical evolution of φ from φ≠v to the spontaneous-symmetry-breaking minimum φ=v [v≡ε1/2(8πG)1/2]. We show that for ε, λ≪1 the transition is inflationary, both in the case that the initial value of φ=0 (‘‘ordinary new inflation’’) and in the case that the initial value of φ≫v (Linde’s ‘‘chaotic’’ inflation). The value of λ required to ensure density inhomogeneities of the proper size is ε dependent and typically ≤1012.