Three Dimensional CT Reconstruction for the Evaluation and Surgical Planning of Facial Fractures

Despite advances in radiology—including CT scanning—the three-dimensional (3D) nature of facial fractures must still be inferred by the spatial imagination of the physician. A computer system (Insight Phoenix Data Systems, Inc., Albany, N.Y.) uses CT studies as substrate for 3D reconstructions. We have used the insight computer for the evaluation and surgical planning of facial fractures of 16 patients with complex injuries. We present five illustrative cases, directly photographed from the computer monitor. Images can also be manipulated in real time by rotating or planar sectioning (functions best appreciated on video). The ability to cybernetically extract the facial skeleton from living subjects provides precise anatomic data previously unobtainable. The images are valuable for an accurate assessment of the relationship between the injured and uninjured sections of the face. We conclude that 3D reconstruction is an important advance in the treatment of facial fractures.