Electron spin-lattice relaxation in phosphorus-doped silicon has been investigated over a magnetic field range of 0 to 11 000 oersteds, a temperature range of 1.25°K to 4.2°K, and a concentration range of 1014 P/cc to 3×1016 P/cc. Three distinct τS(ΔmS=±1, ΔmI=0) relaxation mechanisms have been identified, and their functional dependences on magnetic field, temperature, and concentration have been determined. These mechanisms are characterized as follows: (a) (1τS)(H4, T) is concentration independent, and has an H4 and T dependence. At 3000 oersteds and 1.25°K, (1τS)(H4, T)=(2.63±0.10)×105 sec1. (b) (1τS)(T7) is independent of concentration and magnetic field, and has a T7 dependence. At 2.00°K, 1τS(T7)=(1.65±0.15)×104 sec1. (c) (1τS)(conc.) depends linearly on concentration for concentrations below 1016 P/cc, and has approximately an H12 and T dependence. At 3000 oersteds and 1.25°K, 1τS(conc.) for a 4×1015 P/cc sample is 3.3±0.4×104 sec1. In addition to these three τS mechanisms, the horizontal relaxation modes (ΔmI=±1, ΔmS=0, ±1, 1) were investigated. 1τX(ΔmI=±1, ΔmS=1) at 2.16°K is independent of concentration and magnetic field, and between 2.16°K and 4.2°K, has a T6.5 temperature dependence; all of which strongly suggests a dominant Raman process in this temperature region. At 2.16°K, τX=3.0±0.4 hours. At 1.25°K, the magnetic field dependence of the horizontal modes was measured. The large errors (associated with the very long times involved) make it difficult to ascertain the dominant mechanism here. However, our results are not consistent with a quadratic magnetic field dependence of 1τX. At low magnetic fields, concentration dependent τN(ΔmI=±1, ΔmS=0) and τX mechanisms arise, due to an admixture of states which allows 1τS(conc.) also to induce 1τN and 1τX transitions. When all the preceding mechanisms are properly superposed, their resultant agrees well with the experimental relaxation probabilities, except for a small discrepancy which shows up for dilute samples at 1.25°K. This discrepancy (∼2×105 sec1 at 1.25°K) can be accounted for by introducing another mechanism. There is some indication that this mechanism is associated with the amount of compensation.