A comparison of the efficacy of imidocarb dipropionate solution and tetracycline hydrochloride in the treatment of naturally occurring ehrlichiosis of dogs presented at the University of Nairobi small animal clinic was carried out. Five to 7 mg per kg imidocarb dipropionate given intramuscularly twice at an interval of 14 days was as effective as 14 daily, oral doses of 66 mg per kg tetracycline hydrochloride in alleviating the clinical signs of disease. Imidocarb eliminated the infection in 81 per cent of the cases whereas tetracyclines cleared only 25 per cent as judged by cell culture isolation. Imidocarb had the further advantage of controlling concurrent babesiosis. The majority of dogs showed some transient side-effects after administration of imidocarb, while a small proportion of dogs dosed with tetracycline reacted adversely and dosage had to be reduced or stopped.