Sexual Dysfunction in Peyronie's Disease: An Analysis of 222 Patients Without Previous Local Plaque Therapy

We obtained an objective evaluation of erectile function in patients with Peyronie's disease. Sexual dysfunction was analyzed in 222 patients with Peyronie's disease without previous local plaque therapy using a standardized protocol. Of the 222 patients 70 (31.5%) complained of not being able to perform intercourse. In 4 men (1.8%) standardized diagnostic procedure demonstrated only a severe angulation making coitus impossible, and in 3 men (1.4%) intercourse became unsatisfactory due to pain. Seven men (3.1%) reported distal penile flaccidity, including 4 in whom dynamic pharmacocavernosometry and pharmacocavernosography revealed veno-occlusive dysfunction. Of 56 men who complained of a complete loss of erection 51 did not respond to intracavernous pharmacological injection with prostaglandin E1, and 27 (48.2%) had abnormal arterial blood flow as shown by duplex sonography of the cavernous arteries, 47 (83.9%) had evidence of veno-occlusive dysfunction based on cavernosometric criteria and 33 (58.9%) also had cavernosographic evidence of the condition. Plaque associated venous drainage was evident in 15 of the 56 impotent patients (26.8%), equivalent to 45.5% of all cases with abnormal cavernosographic findings. Sexual dysfunction was evaluable in 31.5% of patients, and the main cause of impotence and loss of erection was veno-occlusive dysfunction.