Strong-Coupling Effects in the Pressure Dependence of Superconductivity

We discuss the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the superconducting properties of the strong-coupling metals Pb and Hg. We solve the Éliashberg gap equations at zero and at finite pressures to obtain the gap Δ0 in the excitation spectrum at T=0 and the critical temperature Tc. The calculations are effected for kernels at zero pressure and repeated with kernels appropriate to a 5% volume decrease. At nonzero pressure the phonon parts of the kernels are rescaled for the upward shift in the phonon frequencies and adjusted for changes in the electron-ion pseudopotential form factor. It is found that Δ0 and Tc do not scale in the same way under pressure. The gap is relatively more affected, so that the ratio 2Δ0kBTc tends towards the BCS weak-coupling limit of 3.52 with decreasing volume and, hence, decreasing electron-phonon interaction. In Pb, our results are in good agreement with experiment for both the change in Tc and in the ratio 2Δ0kBTc. In Hg, no experimental results exist at the moment, but we predict similar strong-coupling effects.