Genitourinary Reconstruction in Obstetric Fistulas

Although most recent literature concerning female urinary tract fistulas has addressed the problem of postoperative and post-irradiation fistula, obstetrical fistula is more common worldwide. A series of fistula repairs predominantly caused by obstructed labor is presented. During a 30-months interval 139 procedures were performed on 98 patients with fistulas at a variety of anatomical locations or on patients with type III urinary incontinence following fistula repair. The fistulas were caused by obstructed labor in 94.9% of the patients. Repair was done vaginally in 110 cases, abdominally in 25 and by a combined approach in 3. Of the patients 81% were dry after 1 procedure and all but 4% were dry after multiple procedures. The subjective observations of moderate to severe vaginal scarring, or severe damage to the urethra or bladder neck were the best predictors of adverse outcome.