Ornithodorus tick infestation in sub-Sahara Africa remains an enigmatic problem for densities may only be assumed for the remaining vast and imperfectly known distribution and clinical syndrome appears to be masked by immunity effects. In established foci, anthroponosis caused by Spirochaeta duttoni appears to be transmitted at hyperendemic levels but because of low order cross-immunity between foci, epidemics and pandemics can occur during population movements. Two distinct species, O. moubata (Murray) and O. porcinus are involved in domestic relapsing fever transmission, with wide distributions broadly overlapping in eastern Africa. O. porcinus occurs as two subspecies: O. p. porcinus in warthog lairs, and O. p. domesticus which has adapted to human dwellings. Both occur in human dwellings and will continue to do so as long as infestations of warthogs and substandard housing remain.